Wednesday, November 01, 2006







Chapter 1D: Initial Assessment

"After comparing my enemy's position and considering that it is to my advantage, the king accepted my strategies for use in the war.These strategies correspond to the current strengths and opportunities."

How you can apply in Learning?
Once You compare and study every aspect of the Topics, Methods and Steps of Doing.
You will discover your strategies either consciously or unconsciouly all depend on your level of self-awareness, to be used in the Test or Examination. Once you have taken your test or Examination(all these are your Valuable feedback) learn all the mistakes that you have created. The mistakes are your teacher. They tell you how is your strategies. Once told, Fine tune your strategies. Each fine tuning make you better. You are a step to success, of course Failure is a step away. Get it.

If you need to copy, please indicate the following:
Written by Maths Specialist founder, Chua Kim Leong
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Created by the FiloMaths Creator, Chua Kim Leong

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