Thursday, August 17, 2006

Chapter 1B: Initial Assessment

We need to assess and compare 5 aspects: They are:
1) Moral Influence
2) Weather
3) Terrain
4) Commander
5) Doctrine
All generals must know these 5 aspects. Those who know them well will definitely win. Those who don't, will have no chance of winning.

How to you apply in Maths and other subjects?
Moral Influence
You need to influence your peers and lead them to achieve good result. Never fear of failure. Turn failure to a Valuable lesson to Success. Be the Master of Your mind and can influence by the good only. Keep Your Moral High in every tests or exams because one thing leads to another. Get it???
Weather change can affect our body and therefore affect our performance. When the weather turn cold, you need to keep yourself warm so that you will not get flu. When the weather turn hot, you need to drink more water so to cool down. Never let the weather affect your health. Stay healthy in order to have a healthy mind. With heathly mind, good result can be achievable!
A good environment to study can increase your absorption and focus. A smooth and nice music can make your mind relax. A relax mind can think better(the string of the guitar must be tune neither too tight nor too loose, a balance is a must to produce music not noise!)
Principle, teacher and most important - Parents must posses the attributes of Wisdom, trust and compassion, bravery and solemnity. They can create a very high impact to students! If you don't have that kind of people around you, you don't have to worry. Be your own Principle, teacher and parents and learn to be Wise, Trustworthy, Compassion. It is difficult but still possible. Once overcome, you are Great!
You need to have good peers so that whatever subject(s) or topic(s)you are weak in, ask them! Organise your friends and have self-discipline. It is fine to mix with playful friend, learn from them how play help to relax. Mix with Bookworm so that they motivate you to achieve good result. A balance between Playful and Bookworm friend is a skill you must achieve. Know when to play and when to study is a must to learn.

All students must know these 5 aspects. Those who know them well will definitely win. Those who don't, will have no chance of winning.

"We don't born to know everything but we are born to learn everything"
"Learning is never been easy. It is only easy once you learned!
You can't say you don't want to learn unless you don't grow!"
- Filomaths Founder, K L CHUA

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